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Handbook of Engineering Hydrology- Saeid Eslamian

Viti i botimit: 2014
Nr. Faqe: 620

Peshë 1.37 g/kg

While most books examine only the classical aspects of hydrology, this three-volume set covers multiple aspects of hydrology. It examines new approaches, addresses growing concerns about hydrological and ecological connectivity, and considers the worldwide impact of climate change.

It also provides updated material on hydrological science and engineering, discussing recent developments as well as classic approaches. Published in three books, Fundamentals and Applications; Modeling, Climate Change, and Variability; and Environmental Hydrology and Water Management, the entire set consists of 87 chapters, and contains 29 chapters in each book.

The chapters in this book contain information on:

Climate change and hydrological hazards, hydrological modeling, and urban water systems, as well as climate change impacts on hydrology and water resources, climate change uncertainty, vulnerability, and adaption
Rainfall estimation and changes, hydrological changes of mangrove ecosystems, impact of the development of vegetation on flow conditions and flood hazards, urbanization impacts on runoff regime, and discretization in urban watersheds
Artificial neural network-based modeling of hydrologic processes, flow and sediment transport modeling in rivers, hybrid hydrological modeling, hydrologic modeling: stochastic processes, and time series analysis of hydrologic data
Dam risk and uncertainty, drought indices for drought risk assessment in a changing climate, hydrologic prediction and uncertainty quantification, uncertainty and risk of the PMP and PMF
Geostatistics applications in hydrology, GIS applications in a changing climate, GIS-based upland erosion mapping, regional flood frequency analysis, regionalization of hydrological extreme events, remote sensing data and information for hydrological monitoring and modeling
Application of copulas in hydrology, bankfull frequency of rivers, statistical parameters used for assessing hydrological regime, significance of statistical tests and persistence in hydrologic processes
Students, practitioners, policy makers, consultants and researchers can benefit from the use of this text.

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